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Premium Program

Check the MEMBERSHIP benefits!

Re-set + Recovery (Total 2 sessions = 1 Set)
A non-invasive treatment that utilises a Fraxel laser, simultaneously targeting both the outer and inner layers of the skin. The goal is to induce collagen stimulation in the dermal layer while promoting regenerative effects on the epidermis.
  • 1 Set (2wks): $490 
    (Duration: 60mins)
  • 3 Set (6wks): $1,440 
    (Duration: 60mins)
  • 5 Set (10wks): $2,400 
    (Duration: 60mins)

- Cleasning > Exfoliation > Lymph Relaixng > Re-set Treatment > Cooling Mask > LED

- Cleasning > Exfoliation > Lymph Relaixng > Recoveery > Hyadration Mask > LED

Dual Lifting + Re-set (Total 2 sessions = 1 Set)  ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Dual lifting and Re-set care program focuses on both lifting and improving skin elasticity.
It tightens pores, promotes skin elasticity and lifting, whilst also strengthening facial muscles.
  • 1 Set (2wks): $650 
    (Duration: 80mins)
  • 5 Set (10wks): $3,240 
    (Duration: 80mins)

- Cleasning > Exfoliation > Lymph Relaixng > Hifu Lifting > X-MODE > Lifting Mask > Cooling Mask
- Cleasning > Exfoliation > Lymph Relaixng > Re-set Treatment > Cooling Mask > LED

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